Philip Webb wrote:
> Some time ago, KDE lost the ability to assign to desktop Left-Click ;
> now it has also lost the ability to assign to desktop Middle-Click ;
> only desktop Right-Click remains, which cb assigned either to Context Menu
> or to Applications Launcher, both of which are useful :
> this is done in  ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc ,
> in which I now have at the top :
>   [ActionPlugins][0]
>   LeftButton;NoModifier=org.kde.paste
>   MidButton;NoModifier=org.kde.contextmenu
>   RightButton;NoModifier=org.kde.applauncher
>   wheel:Vertical;NoModifier=org.kde.switchdesktop
> Has anyone managed to assign an action to Left- or Middle-Click ?
> I am using the latest (210123) versions of Qt Frameworks Plasma.

I have one line for middle click, MidButton.  Sharing the whole first
part for Actionplugins just in case it will help. 

root@fireball / # cat

_add panel=true
add widgets=true
configure shortcuts=false
lock widgets=true
manage activities=true
run associated application=true


In the past when something stops working, I sometimes rename the config
directories to *.old and then start fresh.  Sometimes it is a old method
that is no longer supported that stops things from working.  I haven't
had to do that in a long time tho.  Generally, during the first login
after a upgrade, it updates config files to be compatible with new
settings.  Still, I thought it worth a mention. 

Hope the info helps.


:-)  :-) 

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