在 2021/1/30 下午5:37, Alan Grimes 写道:
On one terminal I have this bullshit going on, at this pace it will take
longer than my natural lifespan to clear this nonsense:
fuckit, I'm adding this shit to the goddamned, cock-sucking make.conf
and there's nothing you can do to stop me!!! Why for fuck's sake do I
have to fix this shit at 4:30 am and can't get it all done in the middle
of the afternoon when I started???

Why am I required to manually update a dozen config files just to get
things moving each time I do this?? Is it really impossible to just keep
doing what I set up last time?, you know the time when I stopped messing
with it because it was working???

Do you have any idea how broken it is right now? It will look like it's
emerging stuff, then start no processes, decompress any files, compile
any code, or anything, just tick through as if it were working very very
very slowly but not actually do anything...

So this version of portage is the first one I've seen that is literally
incapable of emerging a pacakge!   Unbelievable, a package manager
incapable of performing its primary function...

I have no idea how I'm going to fix this mess this time, I'm going to
have to mask the current version of portage and get a binary of one that
is capable of emerging and put that in.

How did you break it this bad, HOW????

All you had to do was nothing and it would still be working!!!

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Please pay attention to your words and don't yell in the list to vent your emotions.

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