
On Thursday, 28. Jan 2021, 06:52:37 +0100, Hans de Graaff wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 19:13:37 +0100, Bertram Scharpf wrote:
> > after a long period with a lot of problems installing Ruby Gems and
> > Gentoo packages containing Ruby Gems, I found the following solution: I
> > added a line
> > 
> >     s.executables = ["rake".freeze]
> > What do you think? Maybe someone likes to confirm this.
> > I will definitely not file any report or patch to neither the RubyGems
> > nor the Rake project any more.
> Could you file a but about this at https://bugs.gentoo.org/ including an 
> example of the problem this is causing for you? As far as I'm aware this 
> is not a known issue.

I tried to reproduce the problem, but the Gem installer
immediately updates the Rake gem so that the messy gem
specification of the old version will no longer be accessed.
I suppose the error only surfaces in times when the Rake
package is the newest version.

Nevertheless, the missing executable specification line
definitely is a bug, probably on the RubyGems side, not in
Gentoo Portage.

Again, and I can’t stress this enough, I'm tired of
searching for bugs in these lousy written tools RubyGems and
Rake. I will not make any effort to report any bugs there
any more and I do not want to be responsible for anything
these tools do.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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