>Lets try this again, 1st mail did not seem to get through?!

It got through to my part of tyhe world.

>On 2021-01-30 11:29, smurfd wrote:
>> hey
>> since a while back the rss feed : 
>> https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/updated.atom
>> is not working. today i looked into it, i get : 429 Too Many 
>> Requests   if i go to that page.
>> just fyi
>> br smurfd
A visit to https://infra-status.gentoo.org
reveals the following information:

packages.gentoo.org Atom feeds broken.

packages.gentoo.org is having some performance problems. We believe the
root cause is Atom feeds causing expensive queries and we have disabled
the feeds. If you experience a 429 error, it is likely due to this service
change. We are working on resolving this; but it may be a few weeks.
Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 GMT
No ETA for service recovery available.


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