On 5/2/21 6:10 pm, Michael wrote:
> On Friday, 5 February 2021 01:48:09 GMT Adam Carter wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 6:07 PM Adam Carter <adamcart...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, February 4, 2021, <the...@sys-concept.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm perplex with this entry in apache log.
>>>> I'm sure it was done by same person as the timing is very sequential and
>>>> same file-name request, but how they were able to lunch an attack from a
>>>> different IP's different geographical locations.
>>>> Can they spoof an IP?
>>> Probably just different instances of the same bot scanning for
>>> vulnerabilities. I imagine you will keep seeing that log from many
>>> different ips
>> FWIW i'm seeing the same traffic. Here's some numbers;
>> $ zgrep -ic wlwmanifest.xml access.log*
>> access.log:16
>> access.log-20210110.gz:0
>> access.log-20210117.gz:0
>> access.log-20210124.gz:34
>> access.log-20210131.gz:0
> Bot herders have acquired many geographically dispersed IP addresses to run 
> Depending on your server's IP address featuring on some target list, the 
> volume of calls can become quite high.  Trying to manually block the bots is 
> a 
> tedious and ineffective task, because the professionals will add yet one more 
> compromised IP address to their herd faster than you can block them.  A 
> scripted honeypot to automatically block typical mass scans, e.g. for 
> wordpress installations, would be more effective.

Use fail2ban to target active abusers using your logs. (recommended)

Leverage the cloud with something like:
http://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level1 (loaded to shorewall
with ipset:hash) to preemptively ban via blacklists - recommended. 
There are many good blacklists out there - this one is a meta-list and
has fast and responsive updates.

Snort (in IDS mode triggering a fail2ban rule) is a bit heavier
resource-wise but quite useful.  Snort in IPS mode is better, but it can
impact throughput. (if you are commercial, consider a licence to get the
latest rules as soon as they are created/needed.)

or use all of them at the same time :)


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