On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 19:04:01 -0500,
Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> Lastpass is forcing people to use only one device type or pay a fee. 
> I've used the free version of Lastpass for years and it works well for
> me.  I use it on my desktop and my cell phone too.  However, I don't
> want to be limited to one device type and I also don't care much for
> paying for the service either. After doing some searching, it seems
> Bitwarden is pretty close to Lastpass.  Anyone here used both that can
> tell me if there is any differences between the two, bad differences for
> sure?  The new restrictions don't start for a while, March I think, so I
> have time to switch.  According to search info, I can even export from
> Lastpass and import to Bitwarden pretty easily. 
> The only downside I've found so far is that Bitwarden isn't available
> for Seamonkey.  Thing is, Lastpass hasn't updated the addon for
> Seamonkey in 2 or 3 years either so I'm using a older legacy version
> anyway.  I'm not sure how much of a downside that is but I won't be able
> to use a password manager at all for Seamonkey.  I hate to say this but
> Seamonkey is going to die if people don't start getting addons working
> with it.  Firefox has tons of addons that Seamonkey doesn't.  I like
> that it is a browser and email all in one but it is getting more limited
> every day. 
> Anyone have info on switching from Lastpass to Bitwarden?  Thoughts? 

hmmm, I never got a notice like that, but I am a premium user, so
maybe that is the reason.  It was worth it so I could give emergency

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How do
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         John Covici wb2una

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