On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 15:57, Glenn Enright wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 01:33, Mike Williams wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 October 2005 09:08, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> > > With the right hardware, forensics are *far* beyond this.
> >
> > The NSA *crush* old hardware.
> > You ever seen a car crushed? Complete car, engine, drive train, interior,
> > wheels, everything, crushed into a cube less than a meter cubed. I'd use
> > one of them, and crush lots in one go. Or melt it down.
> >
> > --
> > Mike Williams
> Lol better safe than sorry right. All I can say is anyone who designs stuff
> to do this sort of recovery has my respect. Just looking at a few of the
> OSS tools available, such as found on
>       http://www.linux-forensics.com/
> and   http://www.forensiclug.com/
> A LOT of man hours in such work!
*cough* people-hours ;p. Scuse me


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