On 11/03/2021 19:39, Alexander Puchmayr wrote:
Only one of the two SSDs is attached at the same time to the system, the other
one is disconnected. One contains a gentoo installation (just updated
yesterday), the other one an Ubuntu LTS 20.04. This allows dual-.boot by
switching connection cables.

By switching cables. Is that moving the cables from one drive to the other? Or by disconnecting one drive from the mobo, and plugging in the other? Or what?

A pretty recent mobo I've got says that certain ports are incompatible, so for example if I plug in a video card, certain sata ports disappear, or if I use NVMe, something else goes ...

Could it be you have a collision like that, if your two SSDs don't end up plugged into the exact same SATA port (or whatever it is).


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