Hi Anthony,
on Sunday, 2005-10-30 at 16:06:47, you wrote:
> The main reason for my interest in Gentoo was to replace Suse on my
> server, since it looked promising in the control I have over the
> installation.
> My question is this: I want to replace Suse on the server with the
> minimal amount of server downtime (I won't have time to do a complete
> installation in one sitting - the Gentoo install I expect to take a
> number of weeks to set up before it will have the necessary software
> installed to replace Suse).

I'm just in the process of doing the same thing. As quite a few thing
will usually need tweaking when configfiles move and things don't quite
work the way you're used to, I set up a separate machine to install the
whole thing. Configured the kernel for the server hardware already,
installed all I need, and currently it's being tested. When it's done,
I'll copy the whole HD over, change a few /etc entries and do stuff like
activating the DHCP server that I can't do on the test machine yet, and
it should be up and running. If you can afford to set another machine
aside for a while, that will probably minimize your downtime.

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