On Monday, April 5, 2021 7:12:07 PM CEST Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> Hello, Gentoo.
> Yes, console soft scrolling is back!  That essential feature that was
> stripped out of the kernel at around 5.4.x has returned!
> Only this time, it's even better!  Instead of one scrollback buffer
> shared between all tty's, there's now a buffer for each tty.
> How to get it working:
> (i) Extract the enclosed patch file to your /usr/src/linux-5.10.27-gentoo
> directory (or probably any 5.10 kernel's).
> (ii) From that directory run $ patch -p0 < diff.20210405.diff.
> (iii)(a) If you've already got a working 5.10.27, do a $ make oldconfig.
>   That should bring up the new configuration items, for which you can
>   accept the defaults.  These two items are a flag to enable the
>   scrollback, and a buffer size defaulting to 128kB.
> (iii)(b) If you haven't yet got a 5.10.27, just configure your kernel in
>   the usual way.  The two new items are under Device Drivers/Graphics
>   support/Console display driver support.
> (iv) Build the kernel.
> (v) Put the new kernel into your usual boot manager.
> (vi) Reboot and enjoy!

Thank you!

I will add this to my "/etc/portage/patches/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources" 
directory. Right next to the gpl-defang patch.

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