On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 09:42:14 -0400, Alan Grimes wrote:

> I have to wait during boot while DHCP tries to bring up eth0  (cable is
> plugged into eth1) and then manually turn off eth0 and turn on eth1 each
> time, can't find where this behavior is configured, /etc is a MAZE

rc-update add net.eth1 default
rc-update del net.eth0 default

How long have you been using Gentoo?

> WTF, I just installed sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-5.11.15, rebooted, ran
> update again, and now it's unavailable, this is like 3 days.. Updating
> kernel sucks because of nvidia drivers. =\

And? As long as 5.11.15 works for you and has no security issues, it's
presence or otherwise on the tree has no bearing on using it.

Neil Bothwick

I've got a mind like a... a... what's that thing called?

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