On Tue, 11 May 2021 16:08:13 +0100, Michael wrote:

> > Before I try again with /tmp on its own partition, does the following
> > extract from the emerge log file ring any bells?  
> There's no benefit in having the whole /tmp on disk, just
> /var/tmp/portage will do.  Also you can leave /var/tmp/portage on RAM
> and just mount-bind it when big packages are expected to exhaust
> available RAM; e.g. something like this would work:
> mkdir /var_tmp_portage
> chown -v portage:portage /var_tmp_portage
> mount -o bind /var/tmp/portage /var_tmp_portage

Or just

PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/lots/of/space" emerge -1a bigpackage

Neil Bothwick

Of course it's not your day,
With 7 billion people on earth chances are slim it will ever be *your*

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