On Sat, 22 May 2021 at 00:51, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, so what does alsamixer tell you? On my system I hit F6, choose the card 
> and then F3 for Playback. I see the 7 channels. Hitting 'M' changes the mute 
> setting but all the volumes are at 0 and hitting '+' doesn't raise the 
> volume. It's been so long since I looked at spdif stuff that I don't remember 
> if spdif supports volume this way. Will research a bit.

Yeah, I see exactly the same. The first one, I think, was muted
originally, but I unmuted all of these when I originally started
trying to figure this out, before my first mail to this list. I can't
be 100% sure, but I think the first one was the only one that was
muted. Output from amixer and aplay and others make me think that this
first one, is the one 'aplay -l' marks as device 3, and as the TV.
Unmuting didn't change anything though, and when I went to check again
now, all 7 channels are unmuted.

> The problem right now is we don't know if the channel is transmitting at a 
> volume of 0, not transmitting at all, or possibly the TV is receiving audio 
> data but not accepting it due to format issues.

Indeed. If I am indeed transmitting anything (at least aplay actually
plays the sample file in real-time, so something is getting
processed), how could I even figure out what the TV is doing about it.
I'm starting to collect good reasons for replacing this aging 10+ year
old TV :)

> I see a response from eric so I would certainly look into what he's pointing 
> you toward.

Eric's links were very interesting, and the pi people's solution
seemed to be something simple, but their fix seems to also be in
firmware, with a link to a giant, mostly binary, git commit. It made
me think, though, if there was something in my kernel config that
could be stopping the sound from getting through though, so that will
be my next direction of inquiry. If this TV required something special
in the pi firmware, maybe that is something I've managed to exclude
from my own build.


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