It was nice to have a newer "hot backup" (XPS8940) to switch over to
quickly when an older machine started locking up occasionally.  Now I
need a "hot backup" for the newer machine that I ordered last October.
Dell Inspirons seem to top out at 12 gigs ram, so I'm looking for an XPS
model in order to get more ram as the bloating of linux continues.  All
current XPS models seem to have 256G or 512G M.2 PCIe NVMe Solid State
drives in the base configuration.  Questions...

* do NVMe drives function well under Gentoo (driver issues, etc)?

* how long do they hold up (wear and tear)?

* can I simply disable them if I run into problems?

  If someone can suggest an alternate supplier to Dell, that ships to
greater Toronto, at similar prices, I'd be willing to take a look at

Walter Dnes <>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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