On Wed, Jun 02, 2021 at 03:22:58PM -0000, Grant Edwards wrote
> I've noticed something surprising (to me) about the order that 'emerge -auvND 
> world'
> decides to install/upgrade/reinstall packages. The situation is as follows:
>  * A large number of packages need to be build/installed/reinstalled
>  * Hit control-C during the build of package X
>  * Restart 'emerge -auvND world'
> I expect that it will start by building package X and resume with the
> remainder of the packages in the same order as before. Often it does
> not.  The order of package bilds often seems to be quite different
> after the interruption than it was the first time -- often X is a fair
> ways down the list.
> Why is that?

  See the "Emerge order not deterministic !?" thread from way back in 2015.
I remember it, because I was the OP on that thread.  Basically, if there
isn't a dependancy requirement between two packages, there's no
guarantee which one gets emerged first.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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