Ramon Fischer wrote:
> Hello Dale,
> this also happens to me sometimes and the culprit was an open process
> still accessing the hard drive. Maybe you can solve it like this:
>    $ lsof /mnt/8tb
>    zsh       8390 root  cwd    DIR  253,2      4096 27787265 /mnt/8tb
>    $ kill 8390
>    $ lsof /mnt/8tb
> After that, you should be able to close the drive via "cryptsetup".
> -Ramon
> On 14/06/2021 06:50, Dale wrote:
>> root@fireball / # cryptsetup close 8tb
>> Device 8tb is still in use.
>> root@fireball / # mount | grep 8tb
>> root@fireball / #

I've tried lsof before, for both mount point and device, it shows
nothing open.  It's weird. 

When this happened last night, just before I posted, I let the drive sit
there while I was doing updates.  Later on, I tried to close it again
and it closed just fine.  I hadn't done anything except let it sit
there.  While I was glad it closed, I wonder why it did it.  Did udev
finally catch up to the state of the drive?  Did some other device
update and allow it to close? 

This is weird.  Everything says it is ready to be closed but it thinks
something is open.  I'm not sure what to point too for the problem.  Yet

Thanks for the tip.  It was worth mentioning.


:-)  :-)

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