On 01/07/2021 14:47, Robert David wrote:
Hi Frank,

In any of my data arrays I have long time migrated off the RAIDZ to the
MIRROR or RAID10. You will find finally that the RAIDZ is slow and not
very flexible. Only think you gain is the extra space in constrained
array spaces. For RAID10 it is much easier to raise the size, just
resilvering to new bigger disks, removing old and expanding. The
resilvering speed is magnitude faster.

And anyway much easier to recover
in cases of failure.


The standard mirror does not cope with corruption very well. Lose a disk and resilvering is fast. Corrupt the data, and you'll be tearing your hair out why things go wrong randomly, with no automated way, even once you've realised what's happened, to recover your data other than a restore from backup.

If you really need the additional space, consider adding second jbod
with another disks.

That'd be my approach - migrate a load of stuff off onto another disk elsewhere, but that's not what the OP wants to do.



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