On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 01:21:14PM +1000, Adam Carter wrote:
> The location is currently configured in main.cf;
> # postconf alias_maps
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/postifix/aliases

That's a non-default value.  /etc/mail/aliases is the gentoo default.
Changing the default is fine but you need to let postfix create the db
file as well if you want to use /etc/postfix as your aliases location.

> And looks like the installer puts the original alias file there too, so I
> assume my config is per the default config;
> # qlist postfix | grep aliases
> /etc/postfix/aliases

yes postfix-install command places aliases file - along with a few
others - into standart configuration directory.  It is somewhat of an
hassle to remove them as other commands expect at least some of them to
be present.

> But this;
> # grep aliases /lib/systemd/system/postfix.service
> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/newaliases
> ReadWritePaths=-/etc/mail/aliases.db
> Suggests that /etc/mail is the correct location, so i'm wondering if i
> missed an update to postfix.service. Can a postfix user please check their
> ReadWritePaths to see if it's /etc/mail/aliases.db or
> /etc/postfix/aliases.db ? Cheers.

Two options:
1/ use dafaults, i.e. /etc/mail/aliases
2/ use a custom location but then change postfix.service to give r/w
access to the new aliases.db location

I'd go with option #1 if you do not have a strong preference either way.


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