On 2021-07-20, John Covici wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 02:53:30 -0400,
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> [1  <text/plain; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)>]
>> On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 07:36:27 +0100, (Nuno Silva) wrote:
>> > As this is a problem with generating documentation, have you tried the
>> > following as a workaround?:
>> > 
>> >     USE=-doc emerge -1a media-libs/harfbuzz
>> It is recommended that you do not enable the doc USE flag globally, but
>> only for those packages where you need the extra documentation.
>> % grep \^doc /var/portage/profiles/use.desc
>> doc - Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended
>> to enable per package instead of globally
> Well, I finally did manage to get harfbuzz installed which brings up
> another question.  First, I tried to find the package for the
> /usr/bin/gtkdoc packages and found none.  So, on a hunch, I emerged
> dev-utils/gtk-doc and discovered I did not have the package in my
> install.  So, I did it anyway and after that harfbuzz installed.  So,
> the question is, should I put that in my world file -- which seems
> wrong to me, or is there a missing dependency somewhere or what?

If I'm reading the ebuild correctly, currently having USE=-doc does not
disable building the documentation.  Setting USE=doc would probably have
worked as a workaround, because then emerge would pull gtk-doc as a

I've mentioned this problem on IRC, but I haven't filled anything at

I wonder if replacing

    $(meson_native_use_feature doc)


    $(meson_native_use_feature doc docs)

is enough? (I haven't tested it, though)

Nuno Silva

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