Andrew Udvare wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 25, 2021, 13:44 Dale <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have a video that does something weird.  The video plays about 6
>     minutes or so past the length it should.  During that extended
>     time, you
>     can't fast forward, pause or anything either.  I've ran into this a
>     couple times with my deer camera and thought it odd but didn't worry
>     about it.  My question is, can this be fixed somehow?  Can I get
>     mplayer
>     or something to process the file and adjust the time it thinks the
>     video
>     is to what it actually is? 
> You can try to re-encode or maybe remux with ffmpeg.
>     Bonus, how in the world did it get that way? 
> More than likely the metadata in the file is off.
> This playback issue can happen with VBR MP3s and also Oggs as the
> length of the file can be spoofed in the header.

It started out with a bunch of .rar files.  I've never ran into those
before.  Anyway, figured out how to deal with it and got the video but
there was a error about "unexpected end of data" in the last .rar file. 
The others were fine.  I suspect that is what lead to the video playing
longer than it shows.  The end result was a .avi file.  It plays fine
until the last bit, where it goes past the expected end. 

I've never dealt with this before so it could be a one time thing or it
could be expected behaviour that needs fixing.  Just in case, I'd like
to know how to fix it for this one and any others I run into. 



:-)  :-) 

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