On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 12:16 PM <lum...@disroot.org> wrote:

>  Of course, some extra work will require from Gentoo.
That's great; when you have found enough people willing and able to do that
work specifically for Gentoo, including maintenance, updates, bug
reporting, triage and fixes for the foreseeable future, then a reasonable
proposal could be made.

An alternative is to start and maintain an oficial overlay (note: it would
also require enough people willing and able to do that work); if, as you
suspect, s6 has enough qualities, it would attract a large number of users
and then requesting a merge of the overlay to the official tree should be

But really, you are asking for other people to do the work in something
that interests you. No matter how many Gentoo users could share your
interest (which, BTW, I suspect there are not that many), if there are not
enough of them *WILLING* and *ABLE* to do the work to satisfy that
interest, then their number is irrelevant.

That's how Free Software and Open Source works: someone has to be willing
and able to do the work for anything to be implemented. If you are really
interested, *you* start doing the work.

Code talks.

Dr. Canek Peláez Valdés
Profesor de Carrera Asociado C
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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