On 09/12/2021 19:27, p...@xvalheru.org wrote:

I've bought a new SSD and I want to install gentoo on it. I'd like to heare some suggestions how to partition it. I'm planning small /boot partition, / partition and /data (including home) partition. But I'm not sure if I should create a swap partition or swap to file. I'm daily hibernating the system to disk. And what should be the size od the swap same as RAM or bigger?

Swap partition. That's ALWAYS best if you can.

Bear in mind, I believe it hibernates into swap, so you need to be able to dump your active system into swap. So for safety's sake your swap should at least equal your ram. The old rule was swap should be twice ram, but there are arguments for and against (in these days of huge ram I generally allocate "swap = *max* ram" on EACH of my hard disks). On rotating rust that's not much - when you have a mobo that takes four 16GB chips and your SSD is 256GB that's a lot ...

You only need about 32GB for / - I think I run about 20GB used, but you need to configure portage to use tmpfs for as much as possible. It's all the "useful" files it leaves lying around that use up the space.

Beyond this, not knowing how big your ram and swap actually are, it's hard to provide better advice ...


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