> ...I keep thinking that I've forgotten about something that I did in > moto4lin to get it to work, but I can't for the life of me remember > what that was... maybe I'll try installing it on my laptop, and see if > I can reproduce what I did on my desktop once I get home from work > this evening...
So... I got home from work, and started poking around at this on my laptop. I'm running SuSE 10 on it, not Gentoo, but I figured it'd work pretty much the same - most of the software on it is pretty close to the same as my desktop... I downloaded the source from the moto4lin site, unpacked it, and compiled it. For two hours, I tried to get moto4lin to connect to my phone, with no luck whatsoever. Finally, not five minutes ago, it suddenly decided to work. What it looks like is that the AT Product ID is one off of the P2K Product ID - the moto4lin website suggests that this is usually the case. For my phone, the values are as follows (these go into the Preferences dialog): AT Vendor ID: 22b8 AT Product ID: 4902 P2K Vendor ID: 22b8 P2K Product ID: 4901 Looking at the moto4lin wiki, your phone apparently uses the exact same values. When my phone's initially plugged in, the "USB View" list shows it as 22b8:4902. If I click the "Switch to P2K" button, I see a message in the main window that says that my phone's unplugged. If I update the "USB View" again, the phone shows up as 22b8:4901. If I click the "Switch to P2K" button yet _again_, I see "[info] Phone pluged as P2K" (the typo's in the program <shrug>) -- this is the magic message. ;) At this point, I can actually use moto4lin properly... don't ask me why this works, but it does. <shrug> Maybe something in there'll help ya out... -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list