Am Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 07:19:19PM -0700 schrieb Grant Taylor:
> On 12/18/21 4:00 PM, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> > Just for the record and completeness’ sake: ... I found out that the
> > program was actually called dma -- the DragonFly BSD mail transport
> > agent, not mda.
> Thank you for sharing your find Frank.
> The DragonFly BSD MTA looks interesting.  I'll have to check it out.
> Especially if it's small and intended for local delivery and / or getting
> messages off of box all the while without exposing an SMTP port.

I actually managed to get it going yesterday on both my laptop and PC. :)

Just install dma, remove /var/spool/mail/* from previous attempts (due to
wrong permission), and `echo test | mail root` worked like a charm both for
root and my user. But for some reason, when root mails to my user, the mail
remains stuck in the queue in /var/spool/dma. But that’s not really a
problem because it’s an irrelevant use case.

Now I finally have smartd messaging, and getting it into my mutt sidebar was
only one line away in muttrc. Coincidentally, I found out that I seem to
have smart monitoring included in KDE already. But that doesn’t help me on
the NAS, of course.

Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’
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Distant relatives aren’t what they used to be since the invention of planes.

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