On 12/31/21 11:28, caveman رَجُلُ الْكَهْفِ 穴居人 wrote:
i thought to re-compile my kernel with some new options.  so i did:
sudo genkernel --menuconfig all
new kernel came, and was used normally as one would expect across reboots.
I suspect you omit certain details, such as running grub-mkconfig or otherwise updating your grub (or other bootloader) configuration prior to the first reboot.
then i periodically update the system by:
sudo emerge -avDuNt --quiet-build=y --keep-going=y @world
problem is:  when the gentoo-source kernel gets updated by emerge, it does not 
use my genkernel's new configs.

   1. What's going on?
   2. How to fix it?
Unless I'm missing something about what you are doing, simply emerging a new gentoo-kernel version does nothing except install the sources, it doesn't build the new kernel.  You would still need to run genkernel again for that new version.

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