Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On Sat, 2022-02-19 at 09:54 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I'm just going to point to the gentoo page for this but I'd like to know
>> why something is in the tree if it is not available to anyone due to
>> missing keywords. 
>> https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/app-office/libreoffice
> Probably just a way for the maintainers to test before releasing it to
> users. Libreoffice is huge and requires a lot of cooperation from other
> areas. An entry in package.mask is another (more common) way to add
> something to the tree while still marking it as "not ready yet."
>> Also, I noticed I have packages coming in from overlays or something I
>> don't have installed/enabled here, if they are overlays.  This is one
>> recent example.
>> root@fireball / # equery list -po firefox
>>  * Searching for firefox ...
>> [-P-] [  ] www-client/firefox-91.6.0:esr
>> [IP-] [  ] www-client/firefox-97.0.1:rapid
>> root@fireball / #
> Those are just slot names. Like EAPIs, slot names are typically
> integers, but pretty much anything is technically legal.

Thanks to both for the info.  Looks to me like they would test these
packages in a local overlay first then move when major arches are
ready.  To each his/her own.  I was hoping to use the more recent
version and not have to update for a while. 

I noticed it had no "O" for overlay which is what made me think the devs
had a new way to do slots.  I also guessed the esr is extended service
release or something to that effect and rapid is less stable and faster
moving version.  I seen this with another package but can't recall the

Thanks again to both. 


:-)  :-) 

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