
I have a chroot environment that I do updates in.  Once the updates are
done, I copy the binaries and distfiles over to my running system and
use the -k option to update everything in my real system.  It comes in
real handy when libreoffice, Firefox, qtwebengine and other large time
consuming packages are being updated.  The bad thing is, I have the full
length of build time in the chroot but the binary install on my running
system.  Is there a way to either stop it from logging binary updates or
removing them after it is done?  I'd rather it not keep those times in
either place really.  I can't find a emerge option.  It seems to record
everything regardless.  My reason for this, the binary install times
throws off genlop -c and its estimates. 

Anybody have ideas? 



:-)  :-) 

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