On Sunday, 6 March 2022 17:31:55 GMT Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2022 at 12:20 PM John Covici <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote:
> > OK, I discovered that if I add to my resolv.conf,
> > www.youtube.com becomes accessible.  I would like not to have either
> > google or cloudflare in there, if I can avoid them -- they were
> > blocking some places I wanted to go to with a 521 error code.  So, the
> > mystery deepens.
> Actually, it got a lot simpler.  You ruled out host, nsswitch, etc
> issues.  This is just a DNS server issue.  Run:
> dig www.youtube.com @
> dig www.youtube.com @
> dig www.youtube.com @
> All three should resolve something reasonable (it is ok if they don't
> resolve the same - load balancing/etc can result in that).  If any
> fail to resolve then that DNS server has issues.  At that point you
> need to check the config on that DNS server.

BTW, blocking cloudfare's servers doesn't stop access to youtube.

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