Greetings from East Vic Park!

1. Have you cleaned out the system? Start of summer i have to vacuum the dust 
bunnies to prevent overheating.
2. Check the power supply 
3. Add a few more fans :)


On 14 March 2022 12:55:07 am AWST, Andrew Lowe <> wrote:
>Dear all,
>       Back story, I'm in Perth Australia, hence summer has just finished. 
>Summer here means long runs of about 40ºC during the day and nights of 
>about 35ºC at midnight.
>       12 months ago, I started getting a dialogue popup that said:
>KWin Window Manager
>Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset
>This would pop up, particularly when doing "deep research" with Firefox 
>on Youtube. Firefox would freeze for a few seconds, but the audio would 
>continue, the screen would do a refresh/flash sort of thing and on goes 
>the "research". As the day would progress, and the home office would 
>heat up, 35ºC during the day, these popups would pop up more and more 
>and the machine would nearly become unusable.
>       It was also accompanied by the following in dmesg:
>[ 1473.478242] NVRM: GPU at PCI:0000:0a:00: 
>[ 1473.478246] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>[ 1473.478530] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>[ 1480.030284] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>[ 1480.030618] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>[ 2093.087760] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>[ 2093.088145] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>[ 2126.588242] NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:0a:00): 32, pid=3087, Channel ID 
>00000020 intr0 00040000
>This started last summer and then as things cooled down, occurred less 
>and eventually disappeared, winter time. This summer it's back and even 
>worse so I upgraded from an nVidia 1060 to a 3050 - the thinking being 
>the card was over heating. As you guessed the problem is still here.
>       I've found the xid errors page on nVidia's site but was wondering if 
>anyone else had come across this error and has any advice?
>       Thanks in advance for any thoughts,
>               Andrew

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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