On Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 11:25:42AM +0100, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> Scroll bars are AWOL in zathura. I have "set show-scrollbars true" in
> ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc. I also tried "set show-v-scrollbar true"
> and "set show-h-scrollbar true" as per what meager documentation can
> be found out there.
It seems that these options are not supported anymore:

> Also, no man pages for zathura nor zathurarc.
I have those, and I have installed zathura through emerge with the `doc` flag,
but it should not be necessary to have it set...

> In case some other gentooer uses zathura, would you share your current
> experience?
Great experience, only bug I could complain is that when I changed desktops
back and forth, sometimes pdf files locked to a weird zoom, but this has not
happened for a while.

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