
On Saturday, 2022-04-09 18:46:00 +0200, you wrote:

> ...
> Excel automatically adjusts the formular to include the newly added line,
> while LibreCalc does not ... by default. However, there is
> a setting (Extras -> Optionen -> LibreOffice Calc -> Allgemein -> 
> Eingabe-Einstellungen)
> called "Bezüge beim Einfügen von Zeilen/Spalten an deren Rändern ausdehnen",
> which does the trick.

Thanks for the quick response.  However, I can nowhere find anything re-
sembling this sequence of sub-menus  (apart from the LibreOffice I'm us-
ing is talking English).  When I just enter "libreoffice" on the command
line, the list of pull-down menus  is "File Tools Help",  and when I run
"libreoffice --calc"  the list of pull-down menus is "File Edit View In-
sert Format Styles Sheet Data Tools Window Help".   But up to now  I did
not find anything  in the various cascaded sub-menus  which would trans-
late to "Eingabe-Einstellungen".

In case it matters: "libreoffice --version" returns "LibreOffice
20(Build:2)" here, and this is the USE string returned by "eix":

   USE: bluetooth branding cups dbus gtk mariadb pdfimport postgres
        -accessibility -base -clang -coinmp -custom-cflags -debug -eds
        -firebird -googledrive -gstreamer -java -kde -ldap -odk -test
        LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="-nlpsolver -scripting-beanshell
                                -scripting-javascript -wiki-publisher"
        PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10"

Am I missing some USE flag?


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