
> I'm sorry - this is probably noob stuff.

Ah, OK.

> I'm unable to find it, doing 
> emerge --search knetworkconf

The application is not yet official enough, so you'll not find it in the 
portage tree. Instead...

> How do I find and install the kdereview/knetworkconf module? (I have
> KDE 3.4.1)

you need it to check out from CVS or to build it manually from sources 
which can be found on http://knetworkconf.sf.net:


If you're a real noobie to Linux building packages from source isn't 
really the easiest thing on earth, OTOH if you have luck it will build 
just fine:

* After downloading unpack the source
* Open a shell window in the directory where the (unpacked) source 
* run the following commands:
./configure && make

If no error occured do

(enter root passphrase)
make install

Best regards

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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