On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 03:49:24PM +0300, Dex Conner wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> So I've found a Thinkpad X200 online and I'm thinking of buying it for
> libreboot purposes. Do you think the P8600 cpu can handle all the
> compiling on gentoo? For the record, I don't have any of the "big stuff"
> like KDE, GNOME, Firefox (all I have is Tor Browser [which I don't
> compile], dwl and some terminal programs like neomutt and profanity).
> Surely, I wouldn't be spending 5 hours to do small upgrades,
> right?..right?
> Thank you
> --
> Dex

libreboot cant microcode updates, pretty much all dead now

ie cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*

entire things DOA


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