On 15/07/2022 00:01, Dale wrote:
Guillermo García wrote:

Hello again guys, how are you? I hope you're fine.

I remember someone told me a program to use to remove old kernels in order to get more space on /boot, i tried to search the original message that the guy sent me trough this list, but i cannot find it.

Here's a screenshot of my /boot folder:

I guess the kernel version i use is this one:

Could someone tell me a method to remove the old kernels in order to get more space in /boot?

Thank you, and regards,


I found it for you.  The package is app-admin/eclean-kernel.  I think there is a wiki page on the Gentoo website for that.  I recall it being pretty easy to use.

Bear in mind, if the OP is running 5.15.10, that's the second oldest kernel in the list. If he's got five newer kernels there, is eclean-kernel going to assume the live kernel is out-of-date and delete it? NOT a good idea.

The OP needs to make sure that both 5.15.41 and 5.15.48 are in his boot menu, AND that they both work, before risking clearing out the rest ...


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