On Saturday, 30 July 2022 15:36:35 BST Rich Freeman wrote:

> From:
> https://gitweb.gentoo.org/data/gentoo-news.git/tree/2022-07-29-pipewire-soun
> d-server/2022-07-29-pipewire-sound-server.en.txt
> Display-If-Installed: media-video/pipewire
> Display-If-Installed: media-sound/pulseaudio
> Display-If-Installed: media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon
> Display-If-Installed: media-libs/libpulse
> If you have any of those packages installed, the news will display.

But pulseaudio is installed, having been pulled in by plasma-meta; that's why 
I was puzzled.

$ eix -Ic pulse
[I] media-libs/libpulse (16.1{xpak:2}@30/06/22): Libraries for PulseAudio 
[I] media-sound/pulseaudio (16.1{xpak}@10/07/22): A meta package for 
PulseAudio (networked sound server)
[I] media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon (16.1{xpak:2}@30/06/22): Daemon component of 
PulseAudio (networked sound server)
Found 3 matches

The only pertinent difference between the machines is that one is amd64, the 
other ~amd64. Well, the ~amd64 box has no sound hardware, but apart from 

> We try to filter news so that users aren't bombarded by things that
> aren't relevant to them.

And it has worked well for me too until now.

> For example, a few weeks ago there was apparently a corruption in the mu MUA
> (which I'd never heard of), which would be really important to know about if
> you were one of the 0.001% of Gentoo users who rely on it.

Yes, I saw that, and no, I hadn't heard of it either.


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