Am Mon, 15 Aug 2022 12:43:19 +0100
schrieb Michael <>:

> Even if compression delivers some small space saving, given Dale's new
> faster Internet link and local video storage tendencies, compression
> will only kick the can down the road.  If these are not private or rare
> videos and remain available on public streaming platforms, perhaps local
> storage is no longer necessary?

Compression for pre-compressed video data certainly does not achieve much
improvement. I just wanted to point out that restic meanwhile supports it
(as there might be other people reading this who are looking for backup
solutions in different situations).

Getting back to backing up publically available video data. I really can't
tell how much of a hassle it would be (in case of desaster) to get the data
back over the network, how long it would take, if that would be acceptable
etc. For distribution of content, e.g., netflix relies on big storage
boxes using zfs. This is quite reminiscent of the already suggested NAS
solution (and filesystems like zfs come with features like compression,
snapshots and incremental send/receive to faciliate backups).


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