Dale wrote:
> William Kenworthy wrote:
>> What are you measuring the speed with - hdparm or rsync or ?
>> hdparm is best for profiling just the harddisk (tallks to the
>> interface and can bypass the cache depending on settings, rsync/cp/??
>> usually have the whole OS storage chain including encryption affecting
>> throughput.  Encryption itself can be highly variable depending on
>> what you use and usually though not always includes compression before
>> encryption.  There are tools you can use to isolate where the slowdown
>> occurs.  atop is another one that may help.
>> [test using a USB3 shingled drive on a 32 it arm system]
>> xu4 ~ # hdparm -Tt /dev/sda
>> /dev/sda:
>>  Timing cached reads:   1596 MB in  2.00 seconds = 798.93 MB/sec
>>  Timing buffered disk reads: 526 MB in  3.01 seconds = 174.99 MB/sec
>> xu4 ~ #
>> BillK
> I copied that from a fair sized file in rsync's progress output.  I just
> picked one that was the highest in the last several files that were on
> the screen, without scrolling back.  No file system with compression
> since compressing video files doesn't help much.  Just ext4 on encrypted
> LVM on a single partition. 
> I tell you tho, this new drive is filling up pretty darn fast.  I got to
> build a NAS or something here.  Thing is, how to put it somewhere it is
> protected and all.  A NAS won't exactly fit in my fire safe.  :/  Bigger
> fire safe maybe????  o_O 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Well, 2.5 days later, first backup done.  Then I had to restart to
update the changes made in the past couple days that rsync didn't
catch.  When that got done, I wanted to close the drive and unhook it
but I'm getting that 'device in use' message.  Well, after some digging,
I found that extlazyinit process running and if memory serves me, that
is the process that creates the file system in the background.  I ran
into that before.  I think it was copying the files as fast as it was
able to create the file system to put it on.  I'll know next time I do
backups.  If this thing ever lets me disconnect the drive.  Oh.

Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/10tb           9.1T  7.5T  1.6T  83% /mnt/10tb

I don't see that lasting to long.  :/  Yup, gotta come up with a plan. 


:-)  :-) 

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