Hello, all. 

I've tried to install Template Toolkit, Apache2::Template under Apache2, 
mod_perl2 and am having, no suprise, issues. Though this may be possible, I'm 
not up to it.

So, rather than try to make this work, I just want to unmerge cleanly all 
apache/mod_perl/TT stuff on my machine, including leftover configs. And then 
re-install apache 1.x, or whatever.

Any pointers to make this go smoothly? I'm thinking something like 
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="-*" emerge -Cv apache modperl or something similar... is 
this possible, or do I have to hunt & peck for the old configs, particularly if 
I've had an old apache 1.x install on here before and didn't try to clean the 

TIA for any replies.

|\  /|        |   |          ~ ~  
| \/ |        |---|          `|` ?
|    |ichael  |   |iggins    \^ /
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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