On Wednesday, 26 October 2022 03:06:19 BST Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 11:07:14PM +0100, Michael wrote
> > sync-type = rsync
> > #sync-uri = rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage
> > sync-uri = rsync://
>   Thanks Michael (and Adam).  I did indeed forget to update sync-uri.
> I subscribe to Netflix, which requires Google-Chrome.  It nags for
> security updates every few days, so I'll soon find out how well the
> corrected mirror setup works.
>   Question:  Can I leave "GENTOO_MIRRORS" uncommented in make.conf?  The
> minimal change for my laptop would be...

Yes, you may leave your GENTOO_MIRRORS URIs as you have it, unless you don't 
want to be downloading the same source files more than once for machines in 
your LAN.

If downloading chrome source files many times a week separately for multiple 
machines is no fun, you can set up a local http proxy caching server with its 
webroot pointing to its distfiles directory.  Then in your clients' 
GENTOO_MIRRORS directive add as the first mirror your LAN Gentoo address/port.  
The only drawback is you will have to sync and then emerge --fetchonly, or --
fetch-all-uri, on the local mirror before you start emerging the various 
client PCs.  A cron job can ensure this is all done by the time you're ready 
to run sync & emerge on the rest of your clients.

You can use any number of available webservers with small footprint; e.g. 
nginx, lighttpd, boa, etc.  The http-replicator is no longer available.

> ...when at home on my LAN...
> #sync-uri = rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage
> sync-uri = rsync://
> ...when taking the laptop out of my apartment...
> sync-uri = rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage
> #sync-uri = rsync://

I don't know if you can set more than one sync server, so if the first is not 
available it will try the next and so on.  When the sync URI was defined in 
make.conf this was the case.  I suppose you can try it.  If it works it'll 
save you having to manually edit the file each time you move your laptop away 
from your LAN.

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