On Friday 04 November 2005 01:44, Richard Watson wrote:
> Hi ... I've just spent ages compiling my laptop. I'm really happy with
> the result ... So fast ...
> What I want to is create a directory called /backup and then create a
> tarball using the command
> # tar -zcvf /backup/mylaptop.tar /[all directories] except /backup (as I
> don't want to go in circles).
> I'm then going to copy off the resulting tarball to my server in case my
> laptop dies (I'd rather not have to recompile everything). Does this
> sound OK?If I ever had to restore I would copy the file to / and run the
> command.
> # tar -zxvf mylaptop.tar
> --
> Thanks, Richard

you need to --exclude /proc, or you'll run into problems.
You should exclude /sys, /dev/, /tmp and /var/run
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