Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 01:35:55AM -0500 schrieb Dale:
>> Well, I ran into a slight problem.  This isn't much of a problem with
>> Linux but I'm not sure how this would work on windoze tho.  The problem,
>> if it is one, is the file extension.  Let's say I have a mp4 file that
>> is the older original file that I intend to replace.  If the file I
>> intend to put in its place is a .mkv file, mv uses the .mp4 extension
>> because all it cares about is the name of the file, not what it is or
>> its content.  So, I end up with a .mkv file that has a .mp4 extension. 
>> It works here on Linux but not sure about windoze and such.
> It’s not a problem for as long as the application you open the file with
> does its own detection. I.e. you feed mp4 to mpv, but it recognises by
> itself that it’s mp4 and can handle it.
>> I looked at the man page and I don't see a way to tell it to retain the
>> extension.  I see something about suffix but I don't think that is
>> related to this.  If I just backspace and change the extension, it
>> basically moves the file and I end up with both the old and new file.  I
>> wish I could write code and create a tool for this.  :/ 
>> Is there a way to work around this problem?  It works great except for
>> losing the file extension. 
> If you still want to stick to a terminal solution akin to mv, then there is
> no way around a little script which wraps mv by extracting the extension and
> filename base. You could also add some “intelligence” with regards to
> directories, in order to reduce the amount of effort required to use the
> command—in case your directories follow some schema or are constant.
> #!/usr/bin/sh
> [ "$#" -ne "2" ] && exit 1
> SRC="$1"
> DST="$2"
> SRC_EXT="${SRC##*.}"
> DST_BASE="${DST%.*}"
> # remove destination for the case that the extensions differ
> rm "$DST"
> mv "$SRC" "${DST_BASE}${SRC_EXT}"

I finally got a chance to try this.  I saved it and made it executable. 
It runs but gave me this error. 

dmv torrent/video_name-old-place.mp4 video-name-new-place.mp4
bash: /bin/dmv: /usr/bin/sh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
dale@fireball ~/Desktop/Crypt/Series $

My scripting skills are minimal at best.  Still, I kinda got what your
script was doing.  Those who have known me for a while understand how
miraculous that is.  ROFL  I did some googling.  It seems to not be able
to find the 'shebang' part.  Sure enough, sh isn't located in /usr/bin
here.  It's in /bin tho.  I edited that line so it can find it.  When I
tried it, it worked but noticed another problem.  It was leaving out the
dot, ".", before the extension.  Back into the script I went.  I revved
up my gears for a bit and made a edit.  When I tried it again, I was
shocked.  I almost fell in the floor.  Dang thing worked perfectly with
me only having to edit once.  I really did get how the script works,
sort of.  O_O 

This is the script as shown by cat:

root@fireball / # cat /bin/dmv

[ "$#" -ne "2" ] && exit 1


# remove destination for the case that the extensions differ
rm "$DST"

mv "$SRC" "${DST_BASE}.${SRC_EXT}"
root@fireball / #

I added a little . on that last line before the extension bit.  I'm a
happy camper.  Only thing is, turns out both source and destination file
have the same extension in this case.  Still, I bet it will work.  Then
I thought of a way to test this.  I just changed the extension on the
destination file and did a move.  I changed the .mp4 to .mkv on the
destination.  When I used your move script, it used the .mp4 extension
from the original source file but used the old name.  Perfect!!

Hope this makes the point.  THANK YOU MUCH!!!!


:-)  :-)

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