On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 03:36:38PM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote

>   I fear that I may have to do the same with the backup machine.  I run
> the same configs on both machines.  I haven't updated the backup machine
> for 63 days, according to the warnings.  Hopefully correcting make.conf
> right now will save me a second reinstall.

  I corrected make.conf, ran emptytree, and then updated the
backup/successor machine.  The warnings were now 66 days since last sync.
The backup runs behind the main desktop, so I seem to have caught the
problem in time on this machine.  After the update, X runs OK with
window titles showing every letter, and no warnings about libpcre.  All
is good.

  The backup machine will be updated once a month "whether it needs it
or not".  Generally the same for my main desktop, but... I have Netflix
which requires Google-Chrome, which will beg for updates at random
intervals, so the main machine will have extra updates.  Pale Moon is my
"daily driver" web browser.  Google-Chrome is for Netflix only.

I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe; Gopher, Netscape with
frames, the first Browser Wars.  Searching for pages with AltaVista,
pop-up windows self-replicating, trying to uninstall RealPlayer.  All
those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain... time to die.

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