Hello, Gentoo.

My system isn't booting.  In particular, most of the SSD partitions
won't mount, because they are not under /dev any more.  The root
partition, /dev/md125 mounts, but that is all.

These partitions are lvm partitions under RAID-1 (software RAID).  They
simply fail to appear in /dev/mapper on boot up.  (I don't remember the
exact error message, here).

I've managed to bring my system up using a Rescue-DVD followed by
chroot.  This shows that the partions on the SSD are basically

I strongly suspect that my emerge update from last night is to blame.
There, lvm2-2.03.17-r1 was reinstalled after other packages
(dependencies) were updated.  The order of these packages, taken from
/var/log/emerge.log was:

1. dev-libs/mpfr-4.1.1_p1
2. dev-lang/mujs-1.3.2
3. sys-apps/util-linux-2.38.1
4. sys-apps/systemd-utils-251.10
5. dev-python/installer-0.6.0
6. app-text/lib-paper-2.0.4
7. app-misc/ca-certificates-20211016.3.86
8. sys-fs/lvm2-2.03.17-r1

..  There were a few more packages after that, a total of 23.  If any of
these is relevant, then it is surely 3. or 4.  lvm2 itself was merely

I've had a quick scan of the gentoo bugzilla, but not found anything
relevant there.

Please help me get my system booting again!


Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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