> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> 
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 6:24 AM
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Jobs and load-average
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 8:39 AM Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > I've just looked at 'man make', from which it's clear that -j = 
> > --jobs, and that both those and --load-average are passed to 
> > /usr/bin/make, presumably untouched unless portage itself has 
> > identically named variables. So I wonder how feasible it might be for 
> > make to incorporate its own checks to ensure that the load average is 
> > not exceeded. I am not a programmer (not for at least 35 years, anyway), so 
> > I have to leave any such suggestion to the experts.
> >
> Well, if we just want to have a fun discussion here are my thoughts.
> However, the complexity vs usefulness outside of Gentoo is such that I don't 
> see it happening.
> For the most typical use case - a developer building the same thing over and 
> over (which isn't Gentoo), then make could cache info on resources consumed, 
> and use that to make more educated decisions about how many tasks to launch.  
> That wouldn't help us at all, but it would help the typical make user.  
> However, the typical make user can just tune things in other ways.
> It isn't going to be possible for make to estimate build complexity in any 
> practical way.  Halting problem aside maybe you could build in some smarts 
> looking at the program being executed and its arguments, but it would be a 
> big mess.
> Something make could do is tune the damping a bit.  It could gradually 
> increase the number of jobs it runs and watch the load average, and gradually 
> scale it up appropriately, and gradually scale down if CPU is the issue, or 
> rapidly scale down if swap is the issue.  If swapping is detected it could 
> even suspend most of the tasks it has spawned and then gradually continue 
> them as other tasks finish to recover from this condition.  However, this 
> isn't going to work as well if portage is itself spawning parallel instances 
> of make - they'd have to talk to each other or portage would somehow need to 
> supervise things.
> A way of thinking about it is that when you have portage spawning multiple 
> instances of make, that is a bit like adding gain to the --load-average 
> MAKEOPTS.  So each instance of make independently looks at load average and 
> takes action.  So you have an output (compilers that create load), then you 
> sample that load with a time-weighted average, and then you apply gain to 
> this average, and then use that as feedback.  That's basically a recipe for 
> out of control oscillation.
> You need to add damping and get rid of the gain.
> Disclaimer: I'm not an engineer and I suspect a real engineer would be able 
> to add a bit more insight.
> Really though the issue is that this is the sort of thing that only impacts 
> Gentoo and so nobody else is likely to solve this problem for us.
> --
> Rich

Expanding the capabilities of app-admin/cpulimit to tally up memory usage and 
suspend new compile jobs temporarily when it gets too high probably wouldn't be 
too horribly difficult...


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