
I'm with a very strange problem with a partition reiserfs. When I installed gentoo I created a partition to save my personal docs and I formatted it with reiserfs filesystem. Today, I was wrinting a little program in python using Kate and, accidentaly, I overwrite a file on that partition. The strange was that Kate don't ask me for a confirmation about that. Kate just overwrote the file. Well, I imagined that comportament was not right and I tried to ovewrite an archive in the partition mounted under /home and Kate, now, ask me for a confirmation. Strange... any idea?

Other thing... I would like to mount that partition such that all files created have the same group and permission. I thought that I could use the "umask" option, but reiserfs don't have that option, so I don't know how could I do that... Help please...

Sorry by my english!


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