
On Friday, 2023-04-21 19:41:54 +0200, you wrote:

> ...
> You should open a bug to explain that ARCH variable is already defined
> in your shell environment. As a consequence the results on the following
> commands are different :

Hm, I'm not at all sure this would qualify as a bug.  A while after hav-
ing traced this problem down, I faintly remembered that in ma early Gen-
too days I had a similar problem with "eix".   In both cases  the depen-
dance on  environment variable "ARCH"  is not documented  in the respec-
tive manual pages,  and therefore  it is in  particular not  pointed out
that Portage is using a different convention from the "arch" command for
naming hardware architectures.

So it's probably not  a bug in the code,  but rather "just" missing pre-
cision in the documentation  -- and my personal experience is  that such
things will hardly ever be corrected,  because the REAL bugs in the code
just have higher priority :-/


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