Zhang Weiwu wrote:

Richard Fish wrote:
Zhang Weiwu wrote:
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild   R   ] app-office/openoffice-2.0.0  +curl +eds +gnome +gtk
+java -kde +ldap +mozilla -nas +xml2 +zlib 0 kB
Well, these USE flags are quite different than what I use, so
comparing to my system is probably not useful.

But, could you try an "equery check openoffice", and see if it reports
any problems?

I remember that when I compiled OOo2, it took over 3Gb of space in
/var, and my /usr/lib/openoffice directory is using 228M.  Maybe you
ran out of disk space at some point during the merge, which is why you
are missing files???

I don't understand: if it run out of space, how comes the package marked
as installed. I have about 3.8G free hdd space though.

Well, it should have failed...but it is the only explanation I can think of that would account for why you are missing libraries, other than filesystem corruption and the libraries being moved to lost+found. My guess is 3.8G is close to being enough, but not quite, because you must have room for the compiled sources plus an install template (~225M), plus the installed files (~225M). Also, I don't have an exact figure on the amount of space necessary to build OOo, since I wasn't paying very close attention, but I do know that it was well over 3G.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ equery check openoffice
[ Checking app-office/openoffice-2.0.0 ]
* 880 out of 880 files good

Hmm, I think there is something bad here. My check of openoffice shows 2674 files. I doubt such a huge difference can be attributed to USE flags.

I think I can try compile with your USE flags later.

Unless you want to merge large parts of KDE as well, I wouldn't! ;-)

But you might try to free up some space and build again. Deleting old distfiles is usually enough to free up a gigabyte or so. Also, remember that with ext3, running out of inodes is just as bad as running out of space, so if you use ext3, you might want to make sure you have plenty available with "dumpe2fs -h | grep 'Free inodes'". The sources are nearly 100000 files, so I would say that 150000 available inodes should be sufficient for an OOo build.

Of course, you could also just merge the -bin and be done with it. :-)


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