I have a situation where something that works as a literal but
doesn't work when reading from a text file.  Here's the problem,

  I have a text file ztest.txt consisting of one line...

"August 14, 2021"

  ...and I have a script ztest consisting of...

xtoday=$( date --date="August 14, 2021" +%F )
echo ${xtoday}
read < ztest.txt
echo "${REPLY}"
xtoday=$( date --date="${REPLY}" +%F )
echo ${xtoday}

  Running the script produces three lines of output...

"August 14, 2021"
date: invalid date ‘"August 14, 2021"’

  What am I doing wrong?

I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe; Gopher, Netscape with
frames, the first Browser Wars.  Searching for pages with AltaVista,
pop-up windows self-replicating, trying to uninstall RealPlayer.  All
those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain... time to die.

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