Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:27:28 -0500, Dale wrote:
>> I used cgdisk and GPT for my disk even tho it is small, only 300GBs or
>> so, mostly out of habit.  The grub install failed and I did a search.  I
>> found this and it worked. 
>> grub-install fails with "grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label
>> contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible." 
> Simple answer, don't use GRUB :-)
> Seriously, GRUB is a bootloader, EFI is a bootloader. You are using one
> bootloader to load another bootloader before booting the system.
> rEFIind and systemd-boot are both boot managers, they work with the EFI
> bootloader - or you can boot a kernel directly without a boot manager,
> but I prefer not to do that as it gives no opportunity to edit options
> when booting.
> If you like simple, here is a config file I use with systemd-boot
> version 6.1.57-gentoo
> linux   /vmlinuz-6.1.57-gentoo
> options root=/dev/sda3 panic=10 net.ifnames=0 i915.enable_ips=0
> That's it! There is a separate file for each menu entry, but they are
> this simple. There's also a global loader.conf, that runs to a massive 2
> lines here!

Right now, I'm still using BIOS type boot.  I've read where you and a
couple others use something else and they do sound good but I just
haven't got the nerve up to switch.  When I build a new rig, I'll likely
get into some other boot manager.  In a way I kinda dread it but on the
other hand, I just might like it.  You and several others make the other
options sound really good. 

That config kinda reminds me of the old grub.  A title line, location of
kernel and then options.  Sounds easy enough.  The new grub config is
almost impossible to config by hand.  They had to make a tool to do it. 
That says a lot there.  ;-) 

I wish I could build the new rig tomorrow.  Gotta buy the stuff first
tho.  Well, first, I gotta find a good mobo I like.  I got a CPU cooler
in.  I got video cards, cables and such in route.  Next month, case. 
Next month, likely a power supply and maybe a couple other small
things.  Then comes the big things.  Mobo, CPU and memory.  Ka ching.  $$$$


:-)  :-)

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