Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> Looks like it is related to -march=native.
> See bug https://bugs.gentoo.org/838373

Nailed it.  After the post by Michael, I edited the kernel several
times.  I'm sure I ruled that thing out.  I had some crc stuff not there
but same error with or without.  I admit, I wouldn't have thought of a
kernel driver issue but the error did sort of lead that way.  Given the
CPU FLAGS is about the CPU and its instruction set, it could be a option. 

I would never have thought of the CFLAGS in make.conf.  I'm not sure how
you figured that out either.  o_O  Before trying new settings for that,
I tried newer versions of clang, llvm and their friends to see if there
was a fix that wasn't applied to older versions.  When you unmask one
thing, it snowballs a bit.  Anyway, after getting a more recent version
of clang and llvm, it still failed.  At that point, I suspected that I
had ruled out those packages.  I did some digging to find what my CFLAG
settings should be if done manually.  It took some digging tho.  Once I
set that to the manual way, it compiled successfully on the first try. 

So, my backup rig now has a web browser.  That's good.  ;-)  I wonder
why that bug report wasn't in the search results when I was digging for
the error???  If I see something Gentoo related, I always look. 

While at it.  I don't think there is a way but I may have missed it.  As
a example, when I wanted to unmask/keyword specific versions of llvm and
clang, is there a tool to find out what all else has to also be
unmasked/keyworded?  When I tried to do that for the packages I wanted,
I ended up running emerge to find more that had to be added to the
list.  This is the list I ended up with. 


It would be nice if there is a way to just run a command once and it
spits out a friendly list that can be added to the proper file.  Save
annoying some electrons and all.  ;-) 

Thanks much to you both.  I hope if someone else runs into this, this
thread pops up in the search results.  Save someone some head scratching. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Switched computer case door to left side hinge the other day. 
Put in the drive trays and figuring out if there is a way to put drives
in other places and still have lots of fans.  :-D 

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